Nutrition-Focused Research Portfolios
Nutrition research can enhance the following areas:
These ILSI-led research portfolios aim to benefit health and well-being through collaboration:
Applications of Globally Harmonized Nutrients
This portfolio focuses on integrating standardized nutrient recommendations at the global, regional, and local population levels through the establishment of nutrient bioavailability algorithms. This activity is poised to drive advancements in food formulation and labeling, enable comparisons of nutrient intake across populations, inform policy development, and evaluate the sustainability of global food systems.
This project is led by Connie Weaver, PhD, San Diego State University, USA.
Bioactives, Functional Foods, and Supplements
This portfolio is dedicated to advancing health through enhanced understanding and communication of the optimal utilization of dietary bioactives. Through the development of recommended intake guidelines and pinpointing research gaps, we strive to elevate the dissemination of crucial health and safety insights pertaining to bioactive substances.
This project is led by April Stull, PhD, Baylor University (Waco, TX), USA.
Healthy Aging, Geriatrics, and Sarcopenia
This portfolio will promote awareness and prevention of sarcopenia, as well as risk assessments for the disease among medical providers, patients, and older adults. Since its classification as a disease in 2016, sarcopenia has remained underdiagnosed and underdocumented. This activity aims to change this narrative by bridging the gap between academia, the medical community, and the patient population to improve public awareness and, ultimately, to reduce the overall prevalence of sarcopenia.
This project is led by Roger Fielding, PhD, Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, USA.
Open Data Sharing for Clinical Food and Nutrition Trials
This portfolio aims to develop requirements, standards, and best practices for managing, tracking, and sharing data from clinical food and nutrition trials. This portfolio's overarching objective is to enhance data quality by aligning with the FAIR principles, ensuring that data is readily available, easily accessible, interoperable across diverse systems, and reusable for future research.
This project is led by Connie Weaver, PhD, San Diego State University, USA.
Food Safety-Focused Research Portfolio
Food safety research can enhance the following areas:
This ILSI-led research portfolio aims to generate groundbreaking research to ensure cultivated foods are safe:
Risk Assessment of Cultivated Food Products
The development and commercialization of cultivated meat is progressing at unprecedented speed, which requires that knowledge gaps relevant to its safety and risk to consumers be identified at a similar pace. This portfolio aims to identify these gaps and address them in a neutral forum involving experts and researchers from industry, academia, and governmental departments and agencies.
Sustainability-Focused Research Portfolio
Sustainability-focused research can enhance the following areas:
This ILSI-led research portfolio aims to advance sustainable food systems for future generations:
The Impact of Climate Change on Food Safety, Sustainability, Security, and Nutrition
This portfolio will bring together interdisciplinary teams to identify future challenges to the safety, sustainability, and nutritional content of the food supply.
This project is led by Lee-Ann Jaykus, PhD, North Carolina State University, USA.
Learn more about the ILSI U.S. and Canada Research Program!
Download this booklet (PDF) for more information about ILSI U.S. and Canada's initial, proposed research projects and how to get involved!
The booklet also covers:
- An introduction to the global ILSI Federation.
- The ILSI U.S. and Canada's governance and funding models, as well as its inaugural Governance Committee.
- The new ILSI U.S. and Canada Science Board.
- The added value that the ILSI U.S. and Canada Research Program provides for experts, companies, foundations and institutions.
Questions? Interested in collaborating with ILSI? Contact today!